

LGBT Pride March 2010

Photo Report
Text and photos by PortugalGay.PT. All rights reserved.
The eleventh edition of the LGBT Pride March (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) took place in Lisbon this weekend.
The event begun in 1999 with claims that are still valid. However this year the issue of marriage had another tone with a focus on the issues of parenting. Exactly the same question that was cut off with the new Civil Marriage act, when the government added a clause denying same-sex couples adoptions and creating a ridiculous situation where an homossexual person can adopt but only before getting married.
The march began with a few people when considering the importance of the conquest of marriage and even earlier editions, but it was gathering persons along the way and it reached about five thousand (according to the authorities) persons but still well below the million Madrid and several million of Brazil.
In a mix between a simple walk and colorful displays it reached its destination where several speeches where presented with similar meanings but different words. Some speaker had their own personal twist, as was the case of Pimentel Belmiro the police officer who last year came out as a gay man, and strengthened that position on Saturday when came to Martin Moniz, saying "my name is Belmiro Pimentel and I am a police agent". These words triggered the biggest ovation heard so far. But it was the speech by Sérgio Vitorino, representative of the Pink Panthers (Panteras Rosa), who has received the biggest ovation of the afternoon and was also the speech where the words were uttered with an energy and message that impressed the assistance.
After this speech came the unexpected willingness of ILGA Portugal also make a speech at the end of march, contrary to what was its initiall intention. Apparently the various ways of doing politics still continue to generate mixed reactions within the LGBT movement itself. was there as always, and provides a brief photo-report and some interviews that we hope you enjoy (available, portuguese only).
Remember that the next Pride march is on 10th July in Porto.

Starting Up

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The March

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