
Photo Report

Civil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, Canada

Photo Report
The Canadian province of Ontario is one of the few places in the world where two men or two women can get the full benefits of civil marriage.

And that is what the two Portuguese citizens, Anabela and Célia, did in the last December 13th. It is probably the first same-sex marriage with legal value of two portuguese persons (or at least the first to come to public) and it had media coverage from portuguese television and newspapers.

Anabela and Célia lived together in Portugal for a few years and decided to move to a place where they where "better accepted", they where fortunate that a few months after their arrival the civil marriage was open to same-sex couples and (with the support of some relatives and the luso-canadian LGBT association "Arco Iris") decided to get married.

It is our pleasure to be able to show this pictures in our site.


Civil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, CanadaCivil Marriage of Anabela and Célia. Toronto, Canada
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