

3rd LGBT Pride March in Porto

Photo Report
Text by PortugalGay.PT. Photos by Samu for PortugalGay.PT, some photos by Pedro Ferreira. All rights reserved.
The third edition of the LGBT Pride March in Porto gathered about 300 persons in the streets of the city. Gay, bi, trans and heteros walked through the downtown streets in persuit of equal rights. With the theme "Equality is essential, education is fundamental," the march made quite a bang in the area. There were flags, whistles, music and lots of entretainment.
"Because a good education is the right to share happiness, is to treat and educate citizens as equal", says Paula Antunes. Very satisfied by a march having "more or less" the same number of participants of the previous year, the co-organizer of the event stresses the inclusion this year of Rua de Santa Catarina in the route, sure that the popular artery will give "another impact and visibility to the march." A human mass of activity came in to break the monotony of everyday life at the Saturday afternoon, dotted by the color of the rainbow flag and balloons. "Not less nor more, equal rights", "I love who I want, whether man or woman" or "Yes, yes, yes, we are like this", were some of the senteces most showted.
Two young mothers participated in the march pusshing baby carts. Alice Guerreiro, an Humanist Party activist, is one of them: "Ana (four years) goes with me everywhere." To this parent, the right to love and to express that feeling freely as the "freedom to have children with whom you choose", are fundamental. "Denying this, is a crime." At her side walks Sara, 29 years. She is German, living for four years in Portugal, the same age of the small Lyra, sitting in the cart "It's very cool, they live, learn how the world is. It's great for her! She is small, but part of us all", she says, in an almost immaculate Portuguese.
The march culminated in front of the City Hall, where the manifesto was read, which among other things, requests equal rights in matters such as marriage and adoption, and the information and demystification of sexual orientation and gender identity in the education system. The march was done the entire journey by Raquel Freire, Manuel Damas, Maria Jose Guedes and Regina Guimaraes, who were part of the 12 godparents and godmothers of the march. The organization was by PortugalGay.PT, Panteras Rosa, SEQSO, Humanist Party, SOS Racism, Kaleidoscope LGBT, Left Block and Centre of Cultures, Dot Bi, Poly-Portugal and the official site is available at:

Press Conference

Press ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress ConferencePress Conference



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Manifesto Reading and Godparents and godmathers speech

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