
Photo Report

Orgullo LGBT - Santiago Compostela, Galiza - Spain

Photo Report
Text and photos by PortugalGay.PT. All rights reserved.
In Galiza, Spain a new federation is born: "aturuxo" gathering A.L.A.S. (Lugo), BOGA (Women, Compostela), Colectivo Gay de COmpostela (Compostela), Legais (Vigo) and Raras Somos Todas (Vigo)

A.L.A.S. (Asociación pola Liberdade Afectiva e Sexual de Lugo) started 3 years ago and works for the rights of sexual minorities in the city of Lugo and is the only organization not in the coastline of Galiza (web: phone: 659774536)

BoGa, Colectivo de Mulleres Lésbicas e Bisexuais da Galiza was created in Compostela 6 years ago. It gathers lesbians and bissexual women from all Galiza that fight against all types of gender-based discrimination, for the women movement and for the legal recognition of LGBT rights. (web: phone: 666681112)

C.G.C. (Colectivo Gay de Compostela). Since its creation in 1989 this group has organized activities calling for equal rights for the LGBT citizens and also to react and make public awareness to the homofobic violence, safer sex practices, etc. (web: phone: 660943447)

LEGAIS is a group that started in 1999 at Vigo with the objective of making easier the life of LGBT persons in rights and visibility and also to provide decision and support infrastructures to the community. (web: phone: 630061399)

R.S.T. (Raras Somos Todas). This is the newest group (2003) and as an influence in the area surrounding Vigo and Pontevedra. It has a Queer attitude fighting for the right to live and love for each person. (web: phone: 655996742)

The city of Santiago is welknow as a religious center and for the Santiago's Pathway (Camiño de Santiago), and this year's moto for the pride parade was "Camiño da Igualdade" (Pathway to Equality). The persons in the parade used words like "Behind each window there is a lesbian, behind each counter there is a faggot" (detrás de cada ventana una lesbiana, detrás de cada balcón un maricón") to show that gays and lesbians are everywhere and not only in the parade. The parade did a zig zag in the city including the historic center and the front of the cathedral. In some rare cases some persons shown their homofobia, and the persons in the parade where quick to wistle and shout "homofobia nunca más" (in a reference to the Prestige oil tanker accident).

After the parade a concert and party (with the support of the city hall) took place in one of the main squares of the old town right in the side of the Cathedral and in the exact place where just a couple of hours before hundreds of persons where queuing for hours to visit the building.










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