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Fórum Sem Medos - Lisboa

Photo Report
Text and photos by PortugalGay.PT. All rights reserved.
This Saturday at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the New University in Lisbon, the Left Block (Bloco de Esqueda/BE), closed the days against homophobia, which held the country on the motto "No Fears". The event brought together a range of guests and speakers with recognised experience on GLBT issues. Deborah Lambillote, from Ilga Europe, and Louis-George Tin, promoter of the day against homophobia, made the opening of this forum presented by Bruno Maia, from BE and an activist for human rights. They were followed in the morning by two tables of discussion: "Family Rights," which had as speakers Miguel Vale de Almeida (anthropologist), João Mouta of the association "Parents/Fathers Forever" and the activist for human rights and lesbians, Fabíola Cardoso. In parallel Gabriela Moita, psychologist, and Rita Paulos, activist for human rights and GLBT youth, opened the debate around the theme "Sex Education". After a pause for a brief lunch, because the day was at work, the afternoon began with two workshops, Jô Bernardo, known activist for transsexual and transgender issues, coordinated the work on "Transexuality and Transgenderism", while Ana Cristina Santos and Fernando Cascais, both social activists and researchers, along with Sérgio Vitorino, portuguese GLBT activist, had a lively discussion around "Social Combat and Discrimination". The closing honors were done by Casten Schatz of the Queer group of the European Left Party, José Soeiro, member of BE and the great promoter of these days, and the leader of the BE, Francisco Louçã.

A full Saturday working with a range of guests and assistance, on high-level GLBT issues. A hot day refreshed by the sharing of knowledge and mutual learning between peers, and not only.

Opening Session

Opening SessionOpening SessionOpening SessionOpening SessionOpening Session

Family Rights

Family RightsFamily RightsFamily RightsFamily RightsFamily RightsFamily RightsFamily Rights



Transexuality and Transgenderism

Transexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and TransgenderismTransexuality and Transgenderism

Social Combat and Discrimination

Social Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and DiscriminationSocial Combat and Discrimination

Closing Session

Closing SessionClosing SessionClosing SessionClosing SessionClosing SessionClosing SessionClosing Session
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