9º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa
Detalhes de Escargots
EscargotsJosé Baptista
Secção Competitiva - Curta Metragem12 min. Reino Unido/UK 2005
Escargots é uma história sobre a perda de intimidade de um jovem rapaz através de um beijo e da sua subsequente consciencialização. Jim é instigado pelos seus pais a comer escargots e a dar um beijo à sua avó. Ela acaba por conseguir salvar um único caracol, um símbolo da sua própria necessidade de liberdade e, em conjunto com o seu avô, parte em busca de um lar para o caracol. Numa comprida árvore, Jim encontra o lugar idílico para lhe dar essa liberdade. Com o entardecer, a família de Jim, crescentemente embriagada, dá pela falta dos dois, partindo em sua busca. Acabam por encontrar Jim nos ramos da árvore e escalam-na ao seu encontro. O ritual tranquilo de Jim é interrompido, acabando por descer ao solo. Desapontado com a traição dos seus pais, Jim regressa a casa e, ao deitar as mãos aos bolsos, dá com uma tragédia que jamais esquecerá...Escargots is a story about the loss of intimacy of a young boy through a kiss and his subsequent gain of consciousness. Jim is cajoled by his parents to eat escargots and to give his grandmother a kiss. He manages to rescue a single snail, a symbol of his own need to be free, and sets off with his grandfather to find the snail a home. In a tall tree, Jim discovers an idyllic spot to give it its freedom. As the afternoon descends into evening, Jim's increasingly drunk family realise Jim and his grandfather are missing, and stagger off to find them. They discover Jim in the branches of the tree, and climb up to join him. Jim's peaceful play is disrupted, and he climbs down. Despondent at his parent's betrayal, Jim returns home and, reaching into his pocket, discovers a tragedy he will never forget...
Escargots is a story about the loss of intimacy of a young boy through a kiss and his subsequent gain of consciousness. Jim is cajoled by his parents to eat escargots and to give his grandmother a kiss. He manages to rescue a single snail, a symbol of his own need to be free, and sets off with his grandfather to find the snail a home. In a tall tree, Jim discovers an idyllic spot to give it its freedom. As the afternoon descends into evening, Jim's increasingly drunk family realise Jim and his grandfather are missing, and stagger off to find them. They discover Jim in the branches of the tree, and climb up to join him. Jim's peaceful play is disrupted, and he climbs down. Despondent at his parent's betrayal, Jim returns home and, reaching into his pocket, discovers a tragedy he will never forget...
Quarteto - Sala 4
Programa de Curtas 'oh England my lionheart'
Quarteto - Sala 4
Programa de Curtas 'oh England my lionheart'
Programas para maiores de 18 anos - Esta secção é meramente informativa, verifique eventuais alterações de programa junto da organização do festival.
9º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa