Filmes, Livros, Música

9º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa

Detalhes de Mr. Leather

Mr. Leather
Jason Garrett
Secção Competitiva - Documentário
70 min. EUA/USA 2004
Mr. Leather is an unforgettable journey into the lives of today's leathermen and the exciting, sexy and hilarious world of Leather Contests. It is a touching, never before seen view of an underground gay lifestyle that is as funny as it is inspiring. From home, to work, to the bars, to the sex shop we follow the 9 contestants to see who will be crowned the next Mr. Los Angeles Leather. As the final contest looms the tension mounts. They study leather history, practice their speeches, make last minute purchases agonizing over their outfits and strategy. They are as varied as 9 men could be, but they all strap on their jock straps and leather chaps, step up onto the stage and compete for the title of Mr. Leather.

Mr. Leather é uma inesquecível viagem dentro das vidas dos leathermen e ao excitante, sexy e hilariante universo dos concursos leather. Um olhar ao pouco visível e marginal estilo de vida destes gays, que é ao mesmo tempo divertido e inspirador. Das suas casas ao local de trabalho, dos bares às sex shops, este documentário acompanha os nove concorrentes até ao momento da coroação de um deles como o próximo Mr. Los Angeles Leather. Com a chegada da última etapa do concurso, a tensão cresce. Estudam a história do leather, ensaiam os seus discursos, fazem compras de última hora, angustiados por causa das suas roupas e estratégias de vitória. São tão diferentes entre si como quaisquer outros nove homens, mas todos eles envergam os seus jock straps e os leather chaps, sobem ao palco e competem pelo galardão.Mr. Leather is an unforgettable journey into the lives of today's leathermen and the exciting, sexy and hilarious world of Leather Contests. It is a touching, never before seen view of an underground gay lifestyle that is as funny as it is inspiring. From home, to work, to the bars, to the sex shop we follow the 9 contestants to see who will be crowned the next Mr. Los Angeles Leather. As the final contest looms the tension mounts. They study leather history, practice their speeches, make last minute purchases agonizing over their outfits and strategy. They are as varied as 9 men could be, but they all strap on their jock straps and leather chaps, step up onto the stage and compete for the title of Mr. Leather.

Quarteto - Sala 4
Programas para maiores de 18 anos - Esta secção é meramente informativa, verifique eventuais alterações de programa junto da organização do festival.
Filmes, Livros, Música

9º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa

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