Filmes, Livros, Música

12º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa

Detalhes de Pet Shop Boys, segundo Derek Jarman | Pet Shop Boys, according to Derek Jarmana

Pet Shop Boys, segundo Derek Jarman
Pet Shop Boys, according to Derek Jarmana

Queer Pop

Em 1989, para a primeira digressão dos Pet Shop Boys (que então já somavam respeitada e reconhecida carreira, sem contudo ter alguma vez passado pelos palcos), o realizador britânico Derek Jarman criou uma série de pequenos Pet Shop Boys,

Opportunities (UK, 1989),by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Heart (UK, 1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Paninaro (UK, 1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, It's a Sin (UK, 1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Domino Dancing - Alternative Mix (UK, 1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, King's Cross (UK, 1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Always On My Mind (UK,1989), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Violence (Hacienda Version) (UK, 1992), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Being Boring (UK, 1992),by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, Rent (UK, 1987), by Derek Jarman

Pet Shop Boys, It's a Sin (UK, 1987), byDerek Jarman

In 1989, for the first tour of the Pet Shop Boys (who already had a respected and recognised career, albeit without live experiences), British filmmaker Derek Jarman created a series of small films to be projected on stage, behind the musicians, on two large screens. These seven films comprise the first part of this session. Music videos quite unlike the most usual ones, in which however we can discern, as well as the clear presence of Jarman, the identity of the music and musicians. The session also includes two old short films by Jarman, with a new soundtrack in the form of Pet Shop Boys songs, as well as the two official music video the director filmed for the band.

Cinema São Jorge - Sala Buondi
Sessão comentada por / Session with comments by:
João Lopes e Nuno Galopim
Programas para maiores de 18 anos - Esta secção é meramente informativa, verifique eventuais alterações de programa junto da organização do festival.
Bilhete Normal - 3.50 EUR (3.00 EUR para membros de associações LGBT ou funcionários CML ou menores 25 anos ou maiores 65 anos).
Desconto de 20% na compra simultânea de 5 bilhetes para sessões diferentes.
Filmes, Livros, Música

12º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa

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